Gingrich vs. Romney On Israel

BY DAVID RUBIN— For those pro-Israel Americans who are still on the fence about which candidate to support in the Republican primaries, this particular American-Israeli would like to briefly scan some of the nuances on the campaign trail. With the notable exception of Congressman Ron Paul, who has harshly criticized Israel’s treatment of our Hamas-supporting…

Why Jews need Israel

BY DAVID SOLWAY, FRONTPAGEMAG— In a speech given to the Domestic Affairs Committee of the German Bundestag in June 2008 on the subject of a renascent antisemitism, journalist Henryk Broder distinguished between a prejudice and a resentment: “a prejudice concerns a person’s behavior; a resentment concerns that person’s very existence. Anti-semitism is a resentment. The…

The myth of Arab refugees

BY RICHARD BOOKER, PART 5 of MYTHOMANIACS— When Israel became a nation, 800,000 Jewish refugees fled from the Arab states to Israel. While it took tremendous sacrifice on the part of the new nation, these refugees, whose land and money was confiscated by the Arabs, were assimilated in the fledgling new state and became productive…