Wish I'd said that
“Who would true valour see, let him come hither; One here will constant be, Come wind, come weather” John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress
“Who would true valour see, let him come hither; One here will constant be, Come wind, come weather” John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress
BY DAN CALIC, YNET– One of the challenges preventing improved relations between Christians and Jews is that both have misconceptions about the other. For example, one of the biggest misconceptions is that most Jews and Christians think Jesus abandoned Judaism, the religion of his birth, in order to start Christianity. They are both incorrect. Jews…
BY TRAVELUJAH— It is commonly believed today that the Jewish festival of Shavuot and the Christian holy day of Pentecost have little, if anything, to do with one another. Nothing could be further from the truth, as the two are actually the same holiday, albeit with varying traditions and an extended interpretation on the Christian…
BY EARL COX, JPOST— The shadow of war is upon us. It is no longer somewhere far away in a distant land. Believing America will soon attack, Iran has taken preemptive measures against US and Israeli assets. Turkey has said that NATO should not share information with Israel. Iran and Russia are arming Syria. The…
BY ALEXANDER JOFFE AND ASAF ROMIROWSKY, UPI— Palestinian identity is founded on three parts. One is that resistance to Israel is permanent and holy. Another is that Palestinians are, individually and communally, refugees, made so at the hands of Israel. The third part is that the world, specifically the United Nations and Western countries, must…
Think on this! “No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.”…”Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if these things…
BY NIR HASSON, HAARETZ— A piece of clay was found during archaeological excavations at the City of David, in Jerusalem, bearing the name of the city of Bethlehem in ancient Hebrew script. The piece of clay dates back to the First Temple period (1006 – 586 BCE), making it the first tangible evidence of existence…
O FOUNTAIN OF ALL GOOD, Destroy in me every lofty thought, Break pride to pieces and scatter it to the winds, Annihilate each clinging shred of self-righteousness, Implant in me true lowliness of spirit, Abase me to self-loathing and self-abhorrence, Open in me a fount of penitential tears, Break me, then bind me up; Thus…
BY TRAVELUJAH— It is commonly believed today that the Jewish festival of Shavuot and the Christian holy day of Pentecost have little, if anything, to do with one another. Nothing could be further from the truth, as the two are actually the same holiday, albeit with varying traditions and an extended interpretation on the Christian…