Matzah Ball Soup

Ingredients for soup: 6 cups chicken stock 1 carrot, sliced 1 rib celery, sliced 1/2 onion, chopped 1/4 cup fresh parsley, chopped Ingredients for Matzah Balls: 1 cup matzo meal 1/4 cup chicken stock 4 eggs, separated 1/4 cup vegetable oil Salt and pepper Directions 1) In a large saucepan combine the stock, carrots, celery,…

Charoset for Passover

*Charoset represents the mortar that the Hebrews used to bind the bricks during slavery.  It may not look so good but it tastes yummy.  Charoset is a sweet dish, reminding us of the sweetness of freedom. Ingredients: 5 apples, skin removed 1 1/4 cup walnuts, chopped 5 tablespoons sugar 1 cup grape juice or red wine…

Order of the Passover Seder

1. Kaddesh (Recite a blessing)  Say the blessing over the first cup of grape juice (for kids) in honor of Passover.  After the first cup is finished, pour a second cup.  Each person at the seder drinks four cups total during the fifteen steps.  Blessing:   Blessed are you, O Lord our God, Ruler of the Universe, who creates the fruit of the…