A dagger in Jerusalem

By NY SUN— What an illuminating moment on CBS This Morning, as Senator Schumer puts a dagger through the heart (to use his favorite expression) of Jerusalem. He is being interviewed on the decision of the Democratic Party to remove from its platform this year language it had four years ago asserting that Jerusalem is…

New Democratic Party Platform Betrays Israel

By JOSEPH KLEIN, FRONTPAGE— Despite some introductory bromides proclaiming the “unshakable commitment” of President Obama and the Democratic Party to Israel’s security, the 2012 Democratic National Platform, titled “Moving America Forward,” mirrors perfectly President Obama’s decision to turn his back on our closest ally in the Middle East. It represents a radical break with prior…

Just ordinary men

By ROBERT BLOMGREN— Your name is Johann and it is the early spring of ’42. The days are getting both longer and warmer in northern Germany and exciting news has arrived in today’s mail. Finally, at the age of 45, you are not too old to serve your Führer in the Nazi war effort.  Your…

The 'deterrence works' fantasy

By CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER, JPOST— There are few foreign-policy positions more silly than the assertion without context that “deterrence works.” It is like saying air power works. Well, it worked for Kosovo; it didn’t work over North Vietnam. It’s like saying city-bombing works. It worked in Japan 1945 (Tokyo through Nagasaki). It didn’t in the London…