Weekly scripture
For the Sabbath of March 19, 2011. Torah Portion: Leviticus 6:8—8:36, “Tsav” (“Command! …”) Haftorah: Jeremiah 7:21—8:3, 9:22–23 Gospel: Matthew 23:1—12, “Az deber Yeshuah” (“Then Jesus spoke … ”) New Testament: Hebrews 8:1—6
For the Sabbath of March 19, 2011. Torah Portion: Leviticus 6:8—8:36, “Tsav” (“Command! …”) Haftorah: Jeremiah 7:21—8:3, 9:22–23 Gospel: Matthew 23:1—12, “Az deber Yeshuah” (“Then Jesus spoke … ”) New Testament: Hebrews 8:1—6
*This bread recipe is healthy, counts as a veggie serving, and very moist. You can’t loose, except for maybe inches. B’tayavon! Ingredients 1 whole egg plus 2 egg whites, whipped 1 1/2 cups sugar 1/3 cup vegetable oil 2/3 cup nonfat plain yogurt 1 tablespoon vanilla 2 cups flour 1 tablespoon cinnamon 2 teaspoon soda…
By RABBI YECHIEL ECKSTEIN, International Fellowship of Christians & Jews — This week, an astonishing event has been taking place in universities around the world. The aim of this event, “Israeli Apartheid Week” (IAW), is, according to its organizers, to “educate people about the nature of Israel as an apartheid system.” Apartheid, of course, was the oppressive…
DAVID HOROWITZ, Front Page — I was not looking forward to my speech at Brooklyn College last night during “Israel Apartheid Week.” The campus atmosphere was so hostile to Jews that no student organization was willing to host my appearance, not even the Jewish organizations – and with 3,500 Jewish students on campus, there were…
CAROLINE GLICK, Jewish World Reveiw, — The most effective way to defend Israel against Obama is to boldly assert, defend and implement a unilateral Israeli plan. Here it is. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is stuck between a diplomatic rock and a political hard place. And his chosen means of extricating himself from the double bind…
For the Sabbath of March 12, 2011. Torah Portion: Leviticus1:1—6:7 (5:26), “VaYikra” (“And he called …”) Haftorah: Isaiah 43:21—44:23 Gospel: John 1:1—14, “Berasheet Haya Hadaver” (“In the beginning was the Word ”) New Testament: Hebrews 10:1—18
BY STAN GOODENOUGH— Something is becoming increasingly and distressingly apparent with every passing month: So many of us Christians who stand with God’s purposes for Israel are way, way behind, and way out of touch. We’re sleeping. We’re dreaming. We’re looking in the wrong direction and, those who are calling out are calling into the…
BY STAN GOODENOUGH— Something is becoming increasingly and distressingly apparent with every passing month: So many of us Christians who stand with God’s purposes for Israel are way, way behind, and way out of touch. We’re sleeping. We’re dreaming. We’re looking in the wrong direction and, those who are calling out are calling into the…