Who are the Palestinian-Arabs?

BY AMBASSADOR (RET.) YORAM ETTINGER— Most Palestinians are Muslim-Arabs who originated in the Arabian Peninsula.  However, the source of the name “Palestine” was Pleshet, the region of the Philistines (Pleshtim in Hebrew), who originated in Greece’s Aegean Islands.  They were expelled from Greece in 1300 BC and settled the coastal plain of the Land of…

A tale of two civil wars

BY ALAN W. DOWD, FRONTPAGMAG— The Syrian civil war is now more than a year old. The Syrian army has killed some 10,000 people—and counting.  Although Damascus has made promises about ceasefires and diplomatic settlements, it’s not in Bashar Assad’s DNA to countenance any challenge to his rule. Recall that his father slaughtered 20,000 Syrians…