End of Jewish rights

by Caroline Glick, Jpost A striking aspect of the so-called building freeze in Judea and Samaria that expired last week is that an enormous amount of construction went on throughout the last 10 months. The Arabs of Judea and Samaria were not only building without restrictions, the US, Europe and the Arab states of the…

The lessons of Stuxnet

by Caroline Glick, Jpost There’s a new cyber-weapon on the block. And it’s a doozy. Stuxnet, a malicious software, or malware, program was apparently first discovered in June. Although it has appeared in India, Pakistan and Indonesia, Iran’s industrial complexes — including its nuclear installations — are its main victims. Stuxnet operates as a computer…

Christian pro-Israel group opens headquarters in east J'lem

by Melanie Lidman, The Jerusalem Post The International Israel Allies Caucus Foundation (IIACF), an umbrella organization for an international network of pro-Israel lobbies in governments around the world, opened its headquarters in east Jerusalem on Wednesday with a ceremony attended by 40 supporters of Christian-Israel partnerships. The building, located across from the American consulate on…