Scripture Reading for February 22, 2014
Torah: Exodus 35:1 – 38:20, “Vayakhel” (And he assembled …) Haftorah: I Kings 7:40 – 50 New Testament: Hebrews 9:1 – 15 Gospel: Matthew 5:17 – 20, “Al taakshuv” (Do not think …)
Torah: Exodus 35:1 – 38:20, “Vayakhel” (And he assembled …) Haftorah: I Kings 7:40 – 50 New Testament: Hebrews 9:1 – 15 Gospel: Matthew 5:17 – 20, “Al taakshuv” (Do not think …)
By RUTH KING, ARUTZ 7— Israel’s former Foreign Minister Abba Eban famously referred to the so-called “’67 borders” as “Auschwitz borders,” provocatively expressing the fears of many Israelis that a return to the 1949 Armistice lines would leave them perilously vulnerable to attack in a neighborhood which has proven all too often to be hostile…
By DANIEL GREENFIELD, FRONTPAGEMAG— If the left’s foreign policy these days had a slogan, it would be, “Boycott Israel, not Iran.” The double standard, dishonest as it is ugly, is also the motto of Obama’s foreign policy, which benevolently blesses Iran’s nuclear program with one outstretched hand in the name of peace and chokes concessions…
By ARI SOFFER, ARUTZ 7— Former CIA Director James Woolsey has reiterated his call to release Jonathan Pollard, who is now in his 29th year behind bars in the US on charges of spying for Israel. Speaking exclusively to Arutz Sheva, Woolsey noted that the time Pollard has served already is unprecedented for the crimes…
By TOM WILSON, COMMENTARY — Last week, Jonathan Tobin wrote here of how we were on the eve of a fourth Palestinian “no” to a peace agreement. It would appear that has now arrived, albeit slightly sooner than anyone had expected. Many observers assumed that once Secretary of State John Kerry got around to submitting…
By DAVID PARSONS, JPOST — The Abrahamic covenant is also the underlying foundation for Israel’s relationship with God and we do well to respect its enduring nature. Photo by: Wikimedia Commons The word of God is “quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword,” (Hebrews 4:12), which means that a misinterpretation or misapplication of…
Think on this: “For such people are false apostles, deceitful workers, masquerading as apostles of Christ. 14 And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve.”…”Yahweh rebuke you Satan.”…
By SOEREN KERN, GATESTONE— The Spanish government has approved a law that would allow descendants of Sephardic Jews expelled from the country in 1492 to seek Spanish nationality without requiring them to relinquish their citizenships in other countries. The new law—which was approved by the Spanish cabinet on February 7 and still needs to be…
By LEA SPEYER, BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS— The Palestinian Authority’s Religious Affairs Minister is now demanding that the Western Wall in Jerusalem must be brought under Palestinian control in any peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians. In an interview with Israel’s Channel 10 News, Minister Mahmoud al-Habash said that “every inch” of territory Israel captured…
By EARL COX— In traveling the southeastern region of the United States over the past fifteen years, I have witnessed an increasing presence of women wearing Islamic headscarves as well as full hijab head coverings. This is evidence of an ever-growing number of Muslim residents and an increase in the religious practice of Islam in…