Evangelical left voices and Israel

By JAMES FLETCHER, JUICYECUMINISM— The rise of young leaders in the church who identify (more or less) as evangelicals, and who seem to have a bone to pick with Israel…continues apace. This community, which loves to use buzzwords like, well, “community,” is heavily networked and social media-savvy. They are attractive, possess uncommon communication skills, and…

The Hagel Finagle

By JERROLD SOBEL, AMERICAN THINKER— Despite the most inane confirmation hearing performance in recent memory, after embarrassingly stumbling and bumbling through eight hours of straight up questioning, it’s a done deal, Chuck Hagel was confirmed and became the United States 23rd Secretary of Defense on Tuesday. His confirmation became assured lastThursday, after five term Republican…

Return of the Chinese Jews

By MICHAEL FREUND, JPOST— Last week, the small and unassuming mikve (ritual bath) in Hod HaSharon witnessed the unfolding of a remarkable scene in the annals of Jewish history. One by one, six young Chinese men, all descendants of the Jewish community of Kaifeng, China, immersed themselves in the warm and purifying waters before a…

Secretary Kerry's Maiden Speech

By SHOSHANA BRYEN, AMERICAN THINKER— Stipulating that foreign aid can be an important part of American foreign policy, and further that trade is an important component of U.S. foreign policy; Secretary of State John Kerry made two really important mistakes in his maiden speech, delivered to a fawning audience of American university students. The first…