Video: Crash course on Yom Kippur
This video with Rabbi Avraham Goldhar provides a fascinating overview on the meaning and customs of the holiest day of the year.
This video with Rabbi Avraham Goldhar provides a fascinating overview on the meaning and customs of the holiest day of the year.
Torah: Deuteronomy 32:1 – 52, “Ha’azinu” (Give Ear …) Haftorah: II Samuel 22:1 – 51 New Testament: Romans 10:14 – 11:12 Gospel: Luke 10:1 – 12, “Meena HaAdone” (The Lord appointed … )
The candid interview that has shocked Democrats across the USA. Democrat politician from New York warns Jewish voters.
By CLIFFORD D. MAY, JWREVIEW— Iran or Israel: Which is more deserving of censure? On the one hand, as the French news agency Agence France-Presse reported last week, Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is calling Israel “a cancerous tumor” that, he threatened, will “soon be excised.” He added: “The nations of the region will soon finish…
By DANIEL PIPES, To stop Islamist violence over perceived insults to Muhammad, I argued in a article on Friday, editors and producers daily should display cartoons of Muhammad “until the Islamists get used to the fact that we turn sacred cows into hamburger.” This appeal prompted a solemn reply from Sheila Musaji of…
By THOMAS SANDALL, TIMES OF ISRAEL— One morning a few years from now, the world may suddenly wake up to discover that a new Islamic state called Palestine has been established on what used to be Jewish heartland, and with the Old City of Jerusalem as its capital. This could in fact happen without a…
By DUDI COHEN, YNET— “If the Zionists act against Iran it will be a historic opportunity for the Islamic Revolution to wipe them off the world’s geographic history,” Deputy Commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Brig.-Gen. Hossein Salami declared Sunday. According to the Fars news agency, Salami stressed that Iran is “No longer concerned by the…
By KEN BLACKWELL and BOB MORRISON, TOWNHALL— We are used to hearing that America defends Israel. President Obama assures Israel that he has their back. That may be convincing talk in the `hood,’ but it rings hollow from this invertebrate administration to talk about anyone’s back. Actually, we may have all that backward. It may…
By CAROLINE GLICK, JPOST— On Tuesday, Egypt’s chief prosecutor issued arrest warrants against eight US citizens. Their purported crimes relate either to their reported involvement in the production of the Internet movie critical of Islam that has received so much attention over the past 10 days, or to other alleged anti-Islamic activities. One of the…
By MICHAEL FREUND, JPOST— In six weeks, Americans will be going to the polls in what could prove to be one of the most fateful elections in decades. Mired in a weak economic recovery with mounting debt, the challenges America faces at home are no less pressing than those abroad, where instability in the Middle…