Palestinians go back to UN dead-end

BY JONATHAN S. TOBIN, COMMENTARY— One would have thought the Palestinians might have learned their lesson when they devoted all of their efforts last year to an attempt to get the United Nations to issue a unilateral recognition of their independence. Many predicted the showdown over the initiative would produce a “diplomatic tsunami” that would…

Auschwitz and a muddled own goal

BY MELANIE PHILLIPS, DAILY MAIL— Some years ago, on a fact-finding trip to Munich, I visited the nearby site of the former Nazi concentration camp at Dachau. It was an unsettling and disturbing experience, beyond being brought up against the horrors that had taken place there. For I found myself surrounded by coach parties of…

Prophetically-inspired events

BY EARL COX, JPOST— The war drums between Iran and Israel have been beating louder and louder, but both countries face tremendous hurdles that appear to be preventing the obvious. Iran, for example, may well have the warheads, but their missile technology is not yet advanced enough to deliver an accurate strike on Israel. Israel…

Defeating the Jewish Alinskyites

BY CAROLINE GLICK, JPOST— Saul Alinsky, the godfather of subversive radical political action, had a very clear strategy for undermining and destroying his enemies: Infiltrate, divide and destroy. Since his disciple Barack Obama was elected US president in 2008, Alinsky’s impact on Obama has received a fair amount of attention. Less noticed has been the…

The six day war

BY VICTOR SHARPE Israel’s miraculous victory but how leaders have betrayed its patrimony and heartland. Forty-five years ago, on June 5, 1967, the world was writing Israel’s obituary. The armies of Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Sudan along with military contingents from many other Arab and Muslim regimes were all poised at tiny…

Beware the disengagement drift

BY DAVID M WEINBERG, ISRAEL HAYOM— There is a dangerous groundswell of “elite” (read: leftist) opinion building in favor of “unilateral” Israeli action in the West Bank. To “make peace without (Palestinian) partners;” to tear down settlements in the distant reaches of the West Bank in order to “signal” to the Palestinians that the Netanyahu…

Christian Zionism 101

BY REV. MALCOLM HEDDING, ICEJ— Tens of thousands of churches have a committed belief in the importance of standing with Israel and blessing the Jewish people. The verse most often referred to as their biblical mandate is Genesis 12:3 in which God tells Abraham “I will bless those who bless you and I will curse…