America and the Arab Spring

BY CAROLINE GLICK, JPOST— A year ago this week, on January 25, 2011, the ground began to crumble under then-Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak’s feet. One year later, Mubarak and his sons are in prison, and standing trial. This week, the final vote tally from Egypt’s parliamentary elections was published. The Islamist parties have won 72…

20% of Germans still anti-semitic

BY ARUTZ 7— “Anti-Semitism is deeply rooted in German society” according to an official report conducted for the Bundestag. The conclusions of an independent commission composed of sociologists, police officials, anthropologists and social psychologists who were appointed by the German parliament in 2009 are found in “the German government report on racism in general and…

Ex-Chief: Bomb Iranian Revolutionary Guards

BY WORLDNETDAILY— The United States should consider military strikes against not just Iran’s nuclear sites but the entire Iranian Revolutionary Guard infrastructure, argued former CIA director James Woolsey in a radio interview today with WorldNetDaily. Comparing the Guards to Adolph Hitler’s blackshirts, Woolsey named several “fair game” Guard-related targets, including Iran’s space program, ballistic missile…