Diplomatic theater

by Caroline Glick, JPost The current flurry of diplomatic activity is deeply disturbing. It isn’t simply that the Obama administration has strong-armed Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu into participating in diplomatic theater with the PLO whose successful completion will leave Israel weaker and less defensible. It isn’t merely that the newest “peace process” diverts our leadership’s…

The war this Yom Kippur

by Stan Goodenough They are ganging up on Israel, and are going to paint Prime Minister Netanyahu the lone culprit when the “peace” process falls. To withstand the American-European-Arab alliance, the Israeli will need all the strengthening he can get in the week ahead. That means Christian support and prayer. Apart from among Israel’s Jews,…

Stuffed Bell Peppers

*This was my first meal to make after we moved to Israel.  I actually ruined it the first time because I didn’t know Israeli ovens use celsius instead of fahrenheit.  These came out pretty dry and crisp in a 400 degree celcius oven!  I never made that mistake again. Ingredients 6 bell peppers, washed and halved…

The Chinese Moment In Iran

by Ilan Berman, Forbes.com If economic sanctions fail to stop Iran’s march toward the bomb, and either the U.S. or Israel is compelled to use force against the Iranian nuclear program, China will shoulder at least some of the blame. Since this summer, concerted international pressure has unmistakably tightened the financial noose around Iran’s ayatollahs.…