Stuffed Bell Peppers

*This was my first meal to make after we moved to Israel.  I actually ruined it the first time because I didn’t know Israeli ovens use celsius instead of fahrenheit.  These came out pretty dry and crisp in a 400 degree celcius oven!  I never made that mistake again. Ingredients 6 bell peppers, washed and halved…

The Chinese Moment In Iran

by Ilan Berman, If economic sanctions fail to stop Iran’s march toward the bomb, and either the U.S. or Israel is compelled to use force against the Iranian nuclear program, China will shoulder at least some of the blame. Since this summer, concerted international pressure has unmistakably tightened the financial noose around Iran’s ayatollahs.…

Israel's Critical New Year

by David Essing, Isracast Israelis and Jews around the world have marked the Jewish New Year of 5771. In the homeland of the Jews, which the Palestinians steadfastly refuse to recognize as a people with the right of national self-determination, analysts were assessing some of the strategic issues in the coming year. There was agreement…