The myth of Al Quds

BY RICHARD BOOKER, PART 3 of MYTHOMANIACS In the Bible, the prophet Zechariah writes of the time when God will gather all the nations to battle against Jerusalem, “Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of drunkenness to all the surrounding peoples, when they lay siege against Judah and Jerusalem. And it shall happen in…

Wish I'd said that

“As the historian of antisemitism looks back over the millennia of horrors he has recorded, an inescapable conclusion emerges: Antisemitism is the longest and deepest hatred of human history. Other hatreds may have surpassed it in intensity for a historical moment, but all in their turn have assumed—or presently commence to assume—their proper place in…

B'tayavon: Koshari

*Koshari is the traditional Egyptian meal. It’s served in every restaurant, at every dinner table, and sold by any Cairo street vendor. Koshari is a very strange combination of noodles, rice, lentils, fried onions and chili sauce. Don’t be thrown by the ingredient list. For whatever reason this all-in-one meal is addicting. I love traveling…

Mainstreaming anti-Semitism

BY CAROLINE GLICK, JPOST— Anti-Semitism may not yet be a litmus test for social acceptability in the US, but it has certainly become acceptable. Proof of this dismal state of affairs came this week with the publication of a supportive profile of University of Chicago professor John Mearsheimer in The Atlantic monthly written by the…