The reign of the fantasists

BY CAROLINE GLICK, JPOST— Israel’s Defense Minister Ehud Barak has done it again. Speaking Wednesday at the Institute for National Security Studies, Barak warned that if Israel can’t cut a deal with the Palestinians soon, it should consider surrendering Judea and Samaria in exchange for nothing. Even the diehard leftists in the media had a…

Zionism and bigotry

BY MELANIE PHILIPS— In the wake of the festival of Shavuot, when Jews have been celebrating the giving of the Ten Commandments to Moses on Mount Sinai from where he presented them to the Jewish people camped at its foot, I have been brooding over the fact that Zionism has become a dirty word in…

A Jewish wedding in Warsaw

BY MICHAEL FREUND, JPOST— Last Thursday evening, hundreds of guests milled about, chatting amiably as they awaited the start of the joyous ceremony. Bedecked in white, the striking bride made her way down the aisle, each step drawing her closer to the wedding canopy where her groom stood smiling broadly. As a light breeze stirred…

Christians should "convert, pay tribute, or leave," says Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood candidate?

BY RAYMOND IBRAHIM— According to the popular Egyptian website, El Bashayer, Muhammad Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood presidential candidate, just declared that he will “achieve the Islamic conquest (fath) of Egypt for the second time, and make all Christians convert to Islam, or else pay the jizya,” the additional Islamic tax, or financial tribute, required of…