Turkey's cautionary tale

BY CAROLINE GLICK, JPOST— Today’s Turkey is a cautionary tale for the West. But Western leaders are loath to consider its lessons. Ever since Turkey’s Islamist Justice and Peace AKP party under Recip Tayip Erdogan won the November 2002 elections, Western officials have upheld the AKP, Erdogan and his colleagues as proof that political Islam…

ABCs of Passover

BY RABBI SHRAGA SIMMONS, AISH— Passover (Pesach in Hebrew) is known as the “holiday of freedom,” commemorating the Jewish Exodus from Egypt following 210 years of slavery. Passover is regarded as the “birth” of the Jewish nation, and its lessons of struggle and identity continue to form the basis of Jewish consciousness 3,300 years after…

Jewish Students Under Assault — Part I

BY JONATHAN ROSENBLUM, JEWISHMEDIARESOURCES— Jewish college students find themselves increasingly under attack on campuses around the world. The seventh annual Israel Apartheid Week just took place on 55 campuses world-wide. Canada’s Immigration Minister Jason Kenney rightly described such events seeking to “promote Palestinian human rights” as “accompanied by anti-Semitic harassment, intimidation and bullying.” Canadian Prime…

Palestinian state by September

BY ISRAEL TODAY— Israelis are growing anxious over the international community’s renewed rush to impose a peace settlement on Israel and the Palestinian Arabs. And the world’s impatience is being fueled by Palestinian threats to unilaterally declare statehood in September, even in the absence of a final status peace deal. Palestinian leaders have publicly announced…

Stop tolerating the intolerable

BY MICHAEL FREUND, JPOST— This past weekend, a bar mitzva boy in Beersheba received a rude welcome to adulthood. Sometime after midnight on Friday evening, just hours before the young man was due to ascend the podium to read from the Torah, an air-raid siren sounded. “Tzeva Adom” (the equivalent of “Code Red”), it declared,…