Why The West Presses Israel

by David Isaac, Shmuel Katz Blog “here is good reason why the Israeli government should heed Defense Minister Barak’s advice and extend a settlement freeze. If nothing else, a freeze would prove that the obstacle to Middle East agreement isn’t the settlements … but the more basic refusal of the Palestinian leadership to accept the legitimacy…

Israel and Congressional Democrats

by Daniel Pipes, Danielpipes.org How should American voters concerned with Israel’s welfare and security vote in the U.S. Congressional elections on Nov. 2? This much is clear after almost two years of Democratic control over the executive and legislative branches of government: Democrats consistently support Israel and its government far less than do Republicans. Leaving…

IS Israel a Jewish state?

by Jeff Jacoby, Boston Globe Is the pope Catholic? Nothing about Israel could be more self-evident than its Jewishness. As Poland is the national state of the Polish people and Japan is the national state of the Japanese people, so Israel is the national state of the Jewish people. The UN’s 1947 resolution on partitioning…

Review of the Balfour Declaration

by Jonathan Schneer, Random House On October 31, 1917, during the conquering of the Ottoman Empire the British Cabinet approved the following policy statement regarding Palestine, “His Majesty’s Government view with favor the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of…