The fast of the ninth day of Av

By Yoram Ettinger, The Ettinger Report 1. Faith, Morality, Commemoration and Optimism Underlining National Jewish Fasts: * Jewish fasts commemorate critical historical and value-driven junctions, highlighting moral clarity, which constitutes a prerequisite to operational and existential clarity. Memory is Deliverance; forgetfulness is oblivion. * Fasts highlight the difference between Oblivion (exile) and Deliverance (ingathering of…

Wikipedia's Jewish Problems

by Karin McQuillan, Wikipedia is used by 68 million people a month.  Google Jerusalem, Israel, the Holocaust, jihad – the first reference to come up is Wikipedia.  Most users mistakenly think it is an encyclopedia.  Actually it is a special sort of blog, self-styled “the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit.”  Open an article,…

A war on who's terms

by Caroline Glick, Jerusalem Post Iran’s domestic troubles and the Arab world’s fear of a nuclear Iran provide Israel with an opportunity to radically shift the region’s balance of power. We are entering troubling times. The conviction that war is upon us grows with each passing day. What remains to be determined is who will dictate…