One that calls for a response

Israel’s former Ambassador to the U.S., Yoram Ettinger said: Chanukah’s uniqueness. Chanukah is the only Jewish holiday which commemorates a Land-of-Israel national liberation struggle. … The Maccabees, responding to an ultimatum by the Syrian emperor, Antiochus said: “We have not occupied a foreign land; We have not ruled a foreign land; We have liberated the…

Fire or a Massacre?

by Gil Ronen, Israel National News The fire in the Carmel Mountains may turn out to be the worst terror act in Israel’s history, but major news outlets appear resolute in their will to ignore this fact and its implications. Israel’s major news media, controlled by the Left, are on the whole treating the fire…

Auschwitz Album Revisited

Pat Mercer Hutchens, teacher and accomplished practicing artist, has completed a series of forty paintings to remember and honor those who perished in the Holocaust. All the paintings were motivated by the Auschwitz Album, the only surviving photographic evidence of Jews arriving and being “processed” at a Nazi death camp. Although the historical purpose of…

Sweet Potato Latkes

*Sweet glorious Hanukkah.  Who wouldn’t love a holiday that requires you to eat fried food?  The normally forbidden donut or French fry is all the sudden–for eight glorious days–the food of the righteous.  I can assure you that I remember the Hanukkah miracle better when I really really concentrate on that first bite into a…

Chanukah and Burnout

by Rabbi Benjamin Blech, Every miracle has a special message. And since God can do anything, the particular way He chooses to make Himself known always has a deeper meaning. That’s why the miracle of Chanukah always intrigued me. Here were the Jews who had just succeeded in achieving an incredible military victory. They…