One of six Jewish nationalists arrested confesses to revenge killing of Arab teen

By DANIEL EISENBUD, JPOST— Four days after the alleged revenge killing of Palestinian teen Muhammad Abu Khdeir convulsed the nation, one of the six unidentified Jewish extremists arrested early Sunday morning in the brutal murder confessed to the crime. According to numerous sources, the unidentified suspects made the confession during questioning by Shin Bet security…

ISIS Already in Gaza Strip

By KHALED ABU TOAMEH, GATESTONE— Despite denials by Hamas, there is growing evidence that the terrorist group Islamic State of Iraq and Syria — also known as “The Islamic State” — has begun operating in the Gaza Strip. Palestinian Authority and Israeli security sources are convinced that followers of ISIS in the Gaza Strip are…

This week’s prayer points

Currently, the weather in Israel is hot, but the political, emotional, and spiritual climates in the Land are much hotter than the natural temperatures. The atmosphere and the hearts of the people have been seriously altered by the murder of the three young Jewish teens. Today, Prime Minister Netanyahu said, “Our hearts are hurting and…

Three brothers’ miracle

By Inna-Rina Rogatchi— The Jewish nation’ appearance and sustain during six millennia is a miracle. The Jewish history during this span of time and despite repeated methodical annihilation efforts is a miracle. There is no single Jewish life without a miracle. Miracle is an essential part of our belief; it is a gem of Jewish…