The end of Palestine

BY MICHAEL FREUND, JPOST— I never thought I would say this, but those of us on the Israeli Right owe a debt of gratitude to Mahmoud Abbas. By forging a unity agreement with Hamas earlier this month in Doha, Qatar, the Palestinian Authority president has inadvertently corroborated one of the central tenets of our political…

Seeking Israel's destruction

BY GIULIO MEOTTI, YNET— The annual Israeli Apartheid Week, dubbed “anti-Semitic hatefest” by Canadian author Howard Rotberg, is approaching again. As every year the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign will play a key part in this eighth edition.   A large conference of the BDS was just held in Bologna, Italy. The forum selected…

B'tayavon: Almond Baklava

While not technically one of the seven species, almonds (shaked in Hebrew) have become a sort of unofficial eighth species due to their close association with Tu B’Shvat. Almond trees grow all over Israel today and they tend to bloom right around the time that Tu B’Shvat usually occurs. Look for cardamom in your spice…