The Glick Plan

By SETH LIPSKY, NY SUN— President Obama will meet a week hence with the Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas. Israel’s premier, Benjamin Netanyahu, says he is prepared to make a “historic peace.” The White House reckons his choice is limited. “What is his long-term answer for Israel,” asks the New York Times in an editorial, “if…

The future of Europe

By INNA ROGATCHI, The Rogatchi Foundation – Recently, former Prime-Minister of Luxemburg Jean Claude Juncker who had been selected by the European Central Conservatives as their candidate for the future President of the European Commission after the elections to the European Parliament in May 2014, has made a public statement on what in his…

Video: Dancing in Jerusalem

This was the last song written for my new album, The Promise. I needed a groovy, let’s-all-make-aliyah theme song that would describe the various major redemption moments of the past century. The opening line quotes the Ethiopian Crown Prince Ahmad when he finally gave permission for the Jews to leave. My heart is Dancing in…

Israeli Gov’t: Christ at the Checkpoint is problematic

By DAVID LAZARUS, ISRAEL TODAY— Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) has issued a last-minute statement suggesting Christians steer clear of the “Christ at the Checkpoint” (CatC) conference that opens tomorrow (Monday) in Palestinian-held Bethlehem. The statement, which came in response to an investigative inquiry by Israel Today, regards the CatC conference as a serious…

Surviving Obama

By CAROLINE GLICK— Bloomberg columnist Jeffrey Goldberg minced few words in discussing the interview that US President Barack Obama gave him on the eve of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s latest visit to Washington. Speaking with journalist Charlie Rose, Goldberg equated Obama’s threat to stop supporting Israel in international forums to the talk of a mafia…

Obama’s fantasy Middle East

By JEFF JACOBY, BOSTON GLOBE— IN BARACK OBAMA’S Middle East, the explanation for the persistent lack of peace between Israel and the Palestinians is clear: It’s Bibi Netanyahu’s fault. Things would be so much easier if only the Israeli prime minister would bite the bullet. Only in a make-believe Middle East is peace with the…