Wish I’d said that

“Only in moments when we are able to share in the spirit of awe that fills the world are we able to understand what happened at Sinai.  Revelation means that the thick silence which fills the endless distance between God and the human mind was pierced, and man was told that God is concerned with…

How Christians can Honor Israel by Acknowledging Shavuot (Pentecost)

BY JIM HUTCHENS— Shavuot is what the Bible refers to as “Feast of Weeks.” Most non-Jews don’t have the foggiest idea what it means. The Greeks called it “Pentecost,” from a Greek word meaning 50. It is called “Pentecost” in the New Testament. Today, Christians acknowledge Pentecost fifty days after Resurrection Sunday or Easter. It’s…

It’s annexation time

By MICHAEL FREUND— With the collapse of American-led efforts to revive negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians, the peace process has largely faded from view, as the prospect of a deal seems more remote than ever. Even the key players appear to have moved on, as US Secretary of State John Kerry is now busy…