Giving terror statehood

BY ADAM HASKEL, JPOST— Anyone who supports a Palestinian state supports terrorism. This is not to say they all are aware of this. Of course, many are not. Those in this group make the common mistake of thinking most people are like them. They want peace above all things. So must the vast majority of…

Christian Zionism in balance

BY MALCOM HEDDING, JPOST— Today, Christian Zionism stirs up all sorts of reactions within the confessing church and sometimes is regarded as extreme or even heretical as a theological position. Those taking this view forget that some of the greatest leaders of the church through history held this position. Indeed, a good case can be…

Eliminating Israel

BENNY MORRIS — The National Interest — A well-known hadith (a saying of the Prophet Mohammed accepted by Muslims as canonical and weighty), relating to the prospective end-of-days battle between Muslims and Jews, states: The Prophet … says: ‘The hour of judgement shall not come until the Muslims fight the Jews and kill them, so…