A prayer for 5772

BY CAROLINE GLICK, JPOST— Upon his return to Ramallah from New York, Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas was greeted by a crowd of several thousand well-wishers. They applauded him for his speech at the UN. There, Abbas erased Jewish history from the Land of Israel, denied Israel’s right to exist and pledged his commitment to…

Jewish Replacement Theology

BY DANIEL GREENFIELD, SULTAN KNISH– In the Washington Post’s “On Faith” section, a story asks; ‘Judaism without God? Yes, say American atheists’. You can have Judaism without G-d, much as you can have an “On Faith” section without anything to have faith in. It’s all a matter of definition. If you define Judaism by its…

Jewish Replacement Theology

BY DANIEL GREENFIELD, SULTAN KNISH– In the Washington Post’s “On Faith” section, a story asks; ‘Judaism without God? Yes, say American atheists’. You can have Judaism without G-d, much as you can have an “On Faith” section without anything to have faith in. It’s all a matter of definition. If you define Judaism by its…