B'tayavon: Lemony zucchini

Ingredients 1/2 cup pine nuts 2 lemons 2 pounds zucchini, cut into chunks 6 tablespoons olive oil, divided 4 cloves garlic, chopped 1 teaspoon salt pepper Directions 1) Preheat oven to 425 degrees. 2) Cut large pieces of zest off lemons. 3) Coat zucchini with 4 tblsp olive oil, garlic, lemon zest strips, salt, and…

Bazaar Events

by Ilan Berman, Washington Times Long-time observers of American politics know that in order to truly put your finger on the pulse of the nation, you have to watch Wall Street. Savvy Iran-watchers will tell you that to do the same in the Islamic republic, you need to keep your eye on the bazaar. Iran’s…

Roasted moroccan stew

*Moroccans are the largest group of immigrants in Israel from an Arab country.  Between the years 1962 and 1964, 80,000 Jews left Morocco to make Aliya in Israel.  Many of these immigrants moved to the Negev, giving Beer Sheva and other Negev areas a distinctive Moroccan finesse.  During our years living in Beer Sheva, I always felt very lucky to be invited to a…

Sweet potato pizza

*Pizza in Israel has a different flare than pizza in the U.S.  For starters, kosher pizza can’t have any meat toppings since you can’t mix meat and dairy.  Since pepperoni and bacon aren’t an option, Israeli pizza joints are very creative with the vegetable toppings they offer: tuna, corn, hard boiled egg, etc.  One of…