Obama's words aren't enough

BY ASAF ROMIROWSKY, YNET— The ongoing turmoil in Syria is stirring a great deal of apprehension in Israel that is even greater than its hand-wringing over Egypt’s recent regime change. Unlike Israel and Egypt, Israel and Syria have no peace agreement, and Syria, with a large armory of sophisticated weapons, is one of Israel’s fervent…

Israeli Amb.: Palestinian statehood vote could end all PA agreements with Israel and the U.S.

  By JOSH ROGIN —  Foreign Policy — If the Palestinians go forward with their drive to seek recognition as a state at the U.N. General Assembly next month, all agreements governing Israeli-Palestinian and U.S.-Palestinian cooperation could become null and void, according to Israel’s ambassador to the United States. “We have a lot of agreements with…

Who are the Palestinians?

THE ARABS IN PROPHECY, PART 4 of 5, BY DR. RICHARD BOOKER— According to the PLO (and the Western media), the Palestinian Arabs have lived in “Palestine” from time immemorial. They were forced to flee by the “Jewish Zionists” when the modern State of Israel was created. However, the facts tell a different story. Although…

Israel — an Apartheid State?

BY DENNIS PRAGER— Next month, the UN-sponsored hate-Israel festival known as Durban III takes place. Under the heading “anti-racism,” the great bulk of the conference, like Durban I and Durban II, consists of condemning Israel for racism and equating it to an apartheid state. Of the world’s many great lies, this is among the greatest.…

The West Bank distortions industry

BY YOCHANAN VISSER and SHARON SHAKED, ISRAEL TODAY— There is no shortage of claims about alleged Israeli human rights violations in the West Bank. Most of these claims originate from Palestinian sources and NGO’s and are part of a disinformation campaign that aims to delegitimize Israel. This campaign of distortions, bias and, sometimes, outright lies…

Perfect Brownies

*I realize that brownies are by no means a Middle Eastern or Mediterranean tradition.  I’m not even going to feign a connection.  However, I feel compelled to share with you this brownie recipe from my America’s Test Kitchen cookbook.  Brownies and pecan pie are my go to desert for company and so I’m always looking for…