Embracing the Muslim Brotherhood

BY FRANK GAFFNEY— The Obama administration chose the eve of the holiday marking our Nation’s birth to acknowledge publicly behavior in which it has long been stealthily engaged to the United States’ extreme detriment: Its officials now admit that they are embracing the Muslim Brotherhood (MB or Ikhwan in Arabic). That would be the same…

The Third Way For Middle East Peace

BY JONATHAN SCHANZER, WALL STREET JOURNAL EUROPE— The Palestinian government doesn’t intend to declare statehood until September, but the ramifications of the move are already clear. Jordan’s King Abdullah predicts a “third intifada,” Israel is bracing for renewed violence and France has convened a conference to try to reach a compromise. Luckily, there may still…

Greeks stop another Gaza ship

BY AVIEL MAGNEZI, YNET— For the second time in recent days, a Gaza-bound ship attempted to leave its Greek port without authorization en route to the Strip, prompting Greek forces to stop it at sea.   This time it was the Canadian Tahrir vessel, which left Crete Monday afternoon and headed towards Gaza, before being taken…