B'tayavon: Perfect brownies

*I realize that brownies are by no means a Middle Eastern or Mediterranean tradition. I’m not even going to feign a connection. However, I feel compelled to share with you this brownie recipe from my America’s Test Kitchen cookbook. Brownies and pecan pie are my go to desert for company and so I’m always looking…

Chuck Hagel's Jewish Problem

By BRETT STEPHENS — WSJ — Prejudice—like cooking, wine-tasting and other consummations—has an olfactory element. When Chuck Hagel, the former GOP senator from Nebraska who is now a front-runner to be the next secretary of Defense, carries on about how “the Jewish lobby intimidates a lot of people up here,” the odor is especially ripe.…

What Wingate Wrought

By MAX BOOT — THE WEEKLY STANDARD — The astonishing raids of a Special Operations pioneer in Palestine, Abyssinia, and Burma Everyone still remembers T. E. Lawrence, if only because of David Lean’s magnificent movieLawrence of Arabia and Lawrence’s own literary masterpiece,Seven Pillars of Wisdom. Yet far fewer remember Lawrence’s distant cousin, the British Army officer Orde Wingate,…