The new Netanyahu?

by Caroline Glick Despite a multi-million dollar media blitz, Israelis are not buying the US-financed Geneva Initiative’s attempt to convince us that we have a Palestinian partner. A week after the pro-Palestinian group launched its massive online promotion urging people to join its Facebook page, a mere 634 people had answered the call. The US-funded…

These talks are doomed

by Mona Charen Hamas sent a greeting card to the quintet of leaders meeting in Washington, D.C., this week to initiate negotiations about a peace settlement between Israel and the Palestinian Authority. In a well-planned ambush, they killed four Israeli civilians near the city of Hebron, two men and two women (one nine months pregnant),…

Blame game on the horizon

by Moshe Arens, Haaretz This time it’s not going to be deja vu. The negotiations between Benjamin Netanyahu and Mahmoud Abbas, promoted and orchestrated by Barack Obama, will not be anything like the negotiations that took place during sixteen years, successively, between Yitzhak Rabin, Netanyahu, Ehud Barak, on the Israeli side, and Yasser Arafat. Arafat…

Rev up the bulldozers

by Michael Freund For the first time in nearly two years, Israel and the Palestinian Authority will be resuming direct negotiations in Washington this week, amid a great deal of fanfare. In a clear sign of the occasion’s significance, President Barack Obama personally set aside several hours between his frequent vacations to host the restart…