Hands off the Holocaust

by MICHAEL FREUND, JPOST– It is that time of year again, as Jews around the world solemnly commemorate the victims of the Holocaust while various pundits and politicians demean and desecrate their memory. With little respect for the facts, and even less for those who were murdered, these puerile purveyors of propaganda do not hesitate…

T-shirt: 1948 and forever

This week Israel celebrated its 65th anniversary! Despite the relentless challenges, the miracle country continues to grow and thrive. David Ben Gurion, Israel’s first prime minister aptly said, “In Israel, in order to be a realist you must believe in miracles.” How true. And what better way to celebrate than by literally wearing your support…

Yom HaShoah

By SHEILA RAVIV — Yom HaShoah ve HaGvura 28th Nissan, 5773 – Day of Remembrance for the Holocaust and its Heroism. The Nazis yelled “Go back to Jerusalem” to us – now their heirs yell “Go back to Europe”. Never Again becomes little more than a knee-jerk reaction, because it is again, it is happening…