Land for peace, yes

BY CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER— While diplomatically inconvenient for the Western powers, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’s attempt to get the United Nations to unilaterally declare a Palestinian state has elicited widespread sympathy. After all, what choice did he have? According to the accepted narrative, Middle East peace is made impossible by a hard-line Likud-led Israel that…

Maqluba, traditional Bedouin dish

*Maqluba is a casserole with rice, lamb, and eggplant which is commonly served in Bedouin homes.  The casserole, after it has finished cooking, is carefully flipped over onto a serving dish and served upside-down.  Maqluba in Arabic literally means “upside-down.”  There are over 110,000 Bedouins living in the Negev so Bedouin culture adds a unique dynamic to the…