Onward Christian soldiers

BY DEBRA RUBIN, TIMES OF ISRAEL— Think North American campus activism for Israel and chances are you won’t think of a Hispanic Catholic organizing pro-Israel events. Or, of an African American Catholic at a historically black college telling not just her fellow students, but also a Jewish youth group, why she supports Israel. Yet, Stanley…

Wish I'd said that

“In the eternal counsel of God, he has determined to make Jerusalem the decisive issue by which He will deal with the nations. Those nations who align themselves with God’s purposes for Jerusalem will receive His blessing. But those who follow a policy in opposition to God’s purposes will be severely dealt with. Commit yourself…

It's time for a Gaza offensive

BY MICHAEL FREUND, JPOST— Three years may have passed since the end of Operation Cast Lead, when Israeli forces entered Gaza to conduct a limited counterterror campaign, but that hasn’t stopped Palestinian terrorists from transforming southern Israel into a shooting gallery. Though you would never know it from much of the mainstream press, the thugs…

Christ at an Israeli checkpoint

BY MARK TOOLEY, FRONTPAGEMAG— The Evangelical Left is hosting a “Christ at the Checkpoint” jamboree at the birthplace of Jesus Christ to identify the Savior with Palestinian liberation. This anti-Israeli mobilization will include leading evangelicals from the U.S. “We are not accusing the Israeli military of putting Jesus at a checkpoint,” insists one disingenuous spokesman,…