Sarah Palin's Friendship

By Caroline Glick, Jerusalem Post US President Barack Obama is an inept, incompetent leader. More than his failure to pass his domestic agenda on health care and global warming despite his Democratic Party’s control over both houses of Congress, Iran’s announcement on Thursday that it is a nuclear power and has the capacity to produce…

Obama Administration Whispers its Total Turnaround on the Israel-Palestinian Issue

By Barry Rubin Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has issued a nominally routine communiqué after her meeting with Tony Blair, former prime minister of Great Britain and now messenger of the Quartet on matters Israel-Palestinian. Does this two-paragraph document of February 11, 2010, indicate the new direction of U.S. policy on Israel-Palestinian/Arab-Israeli conflict issues? First…

Lincoln and the Jews

By Herb Geduld Throughout history, Jews have had great friends and mortal enemies as rulers in the countries in which they lived. Perhaps no American president has been a greater friend of the Jewish people than Abraham Lincoln, whose birthday we celebrate today. Lincoln was the first American president to become officially involved in questions…