God Bless Canada!

BY SHIRA SORKO-RAM, MAOZ— Canada has long been considered a classical liberal democracy. In fact, according to Wikipedia, Canada is presently one of the more liberal countries in the Americas a nation with government-regulated free market, with an emphasis on social justice and social progressivism such as abortion issues and same-sex marriage. However, a quiet…

From Berlin to Jerusalem

BY KEN BLACKWELL, TOWNHALL— The Obama administration refuses, time and again, to say that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. Victoria Nuland, speaking from the State Department, recently repeated over and over that the status of Jerusalem is subject to final status negotiations. Israel thus becomes the only country recognized by the U.S. that is…

Corn kugel

Ingredients 1 medium onion, chopped 1 tablespoon olive oil 3 ½ cups fresh or canned corn kernels 1 cup chicken broth 4 large eggs, beaten 2 tablespoons fresh parsley 4 tablespoons toasted bread crumbs (for Passover use matzah crumbs) salt and pepper to taste Directions 1) Preheat oven to 325. 2) In a medium skillet,…