Golan Residents on the Alert

By Hillel Fendel, Israelnationalnews.com Though Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu announced that he “knows nothing” about reports of Syria’s “willingness” to accept the Golan in stages, Golan residents are taking no chances. Uri Heitner of the Golan Residents Committee says Israelis must be aware of Syrian dictator Bashar Assad’s true intentions: “It’s enough to see him…

Gefilte Fish Dispute

By Michael Muskal, LA Times With pressing diplomatic problems all over the Mideast, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton greeted Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak on Friday for top-level talks including gefilte fish. Gefilte fish? Those pillows of fish poached in stock (think Yiddish quenelles) are a favorite on the Sabbath and during the holidays.…