Jerusalem First

By MK Dr. Arieh Eldad, Jerusalem Post   These lines were written on the day the U.S. envoy George Mitchell arrived in Israel to open indirect “proximity” talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority. These talks have been much delayed, in part as a result of PA chairman Abu Mazen’s having noticed that the U.S.…

Facts and Figures

POPULATION: 7,427.000 Jews: 75.5% Non-Jews: 24.5% POPULATION DISTRIBUTION Cities and Towns: 91.7% Thereof: Jerusalem: 10.4% Tel Aviv: 5.3% Haifa: 3.6% Villages and community settlements: 3.1% Moshavim: 3.3% Kibbutzim: 1.7% LIFE EXPECTANCY Women: 82.5 Men: 78.8 DISTRIBUTION OF THE WORK FORCE Public, Community & Personal Services: 40.1% Manufacturing: 13.3% Tourism, Commerce and Finance: 26% Agriculture: 1.9%…

The ‘Replacement Theology’ Church is on the Wrong Side of the Conflict in Israel

By Bill Koenig— Replacement theology church organizations continue to make rash statements about Israel; call it an occupier; blame it for the Palestinian plight; actively pursue divestment of investments in Israel or in companies that do business with Israel; and side with the Palestinians while never addressing the history of problems perpetrated by the Palestinian…