Obama's obsession with Israel

by Israel Today US President Barack Obama’s political setback in the recent midterm congressional elections, which saw Republicans seize a commanding majority in the House of Representatives, will likely increase his need to drive through an ill-advised Israeli-Palestinian peace deal. Speaking to Arutz 7 radio, Professor Eitan Gilboa of Bar Ilan University said he believes…

Clinton warns Palestinians and Israelis against 'unilateral' actions

By Natasha Mozgovaya, Haaretz Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Wednesday that the United States was working “every day, indeed every hour” to revive stalled Middle East peace negotiations, and warned both sides against making unilateral moves that could compromise the outcome of these talks. “We do not support unilateral steps by either party that…

Obama's mideast juggernaut will continue to roll

by Victor Sharpe, Jewish Press Even as political commentators speculate that the power of the Obama presidency has been severely curtailed as a result of the Republican victories in the House along with increased GOP representation in the Senate, the Obama/State Department juggernaut continues to grind away at Israel’s security and sovereignty. Only Jewish Americans…

Canada's Prime Minister Stephen Harper stands up for Israel!

Canada will remain a steadfast supporter of Israel even if it means losing stature internationally, Prime Minister Stephen Harper said. Addressing a three-day conference in Ottawa on battling global anti-Semitism, Harper said Monday that “when Israel, the only country in the world whose very existence is under attack, is consistently and conspicuously singled out for…

US suggests building tenders timed to embarass Netanyahu

by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu, Arutz Sheva Announcements from the municipality of Jerusalem on new housing units while Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu meets with U.S. Vice President Joe Biden may be aimed at “embarrassing” the Prime Minister, U.S. State Department spokesman Philip Crowley suggested Monday. For the second time this year, Jerusalem officials announcement a new…