Terrorism Flourishes Because It Brings Public Relations' and Political Gains

BY BARRY RUBIN— Why is terrorism against Israel increasing now? Because the terrorists have: –Everything to gain domestically. Terrorism mobilizes support among their own people and proves their militancy against rival groups. –Everything to gain regionally. There is increasing radicalization and growing power for revolutionary Islamism. Throughout the region and especially for Hamas, Egypt’s revolution–which…

After Attack on Jews, Obama's Condolences to Palestinians

BY AARON KLEIN, WORLDNETDAILY— President Obama’s official statement on today’s bombing at a crowded bus stop in Jerusalem included a clause expressing his “deepest condolences for the deaths of Palestinian civilians in Gaza yesterday.” The statement seems to draw a moral equivalence between today’s attack in Jerusalem, in which Jewish civilians were targeted, and the…

War by every means

BY HELEN FREEDMAN, AFSI— We have been watching the war of deligitimization of Israel being waged throughout the world – even in Israel itself – where words have come into the vocabulary that have taken on entirely new meanings. Israel is seen as the “occupier”, guilty of “apartheid”, deserving of boycotts, divestments, sanctions, allowing its…