Arab League Pressing United Nations For Gaza No-Fly Zone

BY JOSEPH KLEIN, NEWSREALBLOG— Hamas is now deliberately targeting Israeli school children with rocket attacks against clearly marked school buses. They know no shame, yet they continue to play the victim, pleading with the international community for protection from Israel’s reprisals. Terrorists in Gaza fired an anti-tank missile at an Israeli school bus on Thursday,…

The case for retaking Gaza

BY TED BELMAN, ISRAPUNDIT— The diplomatic chapter of the coalition agreement asserts that “the government will work determinedly and regularly against terror groups threatening Israel and do everything needed in order to eradicate them. A strategic target for the State of Israel would be the toppling of Hamas’ rule in Gaza.” FM Leiberman intends to…

Wish I'd said that

“By any standard of morality and justice, the case for Palestinan independence and statehood is far weaker than the case for the independence and statehood of numerous other people seeking autonomy over their lives.  The occupation of Tibet by China has been longer and more brutal and less justified by protective or military considerations, and…