New Findings: Herod may not have Completed Jerusalem’s Walls

BY NICOLE JANSEZIAN, TRAVELUJAH— Despite centuries of assumption that King Herod built the Western Wall of the temple in Jerusalem, recent archaeological findings could throw this accepted conventional premise on its head. Professor Ronny Reich of the University of Haifa and Eli Shukron of the Israel Antiquities Authority said in a news conference on Wednesday…

Peace through victory

BY STEPHEN PLAUT, FRONTPAGEMAG— By now, Israel, at the urging and bullying of the world, has tried pretty much every conceivable idea and option for achieving tranquility and reconciliation with the Hamas, except for one.  Israel removed its army and civilian population from the Gaza Strip.  In what amounted to the first ethnic self-cleansing in…

“Royal” Christian Presence in Israel during Crusader Period

BY NICOLE JANSEZIAN, TRAVELUJAH— Archaeologists and researchers from Hebrew University have deciphered an inscription bearing the name of Frederick II written in Arabic, declaring him king of Jerusalem, right before he peacefully conquered the city through a treaty rather than a battle. The discovery is unique because it is the only Crusader inscription in the…