Iran forced to backtrack on guided nuclear tour for NAM leaders and Ban

By DEBKAFILE— Tehran was forced to eat crow and backtrack on its ploy for winning international recognition for its nuclear program by showing Non-Aligned Summit leaders and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon around its nuclear sites. The tour was planned for Wednesday, Aug. 29. It would have been a mockery of US-promoted nuclear diplomacy, International…

IDF exercises response to multiple rocket landings

By YAOV ZITUN, YNET— The Home Front Command on Tuesday launched a first-of-its-kind exercise simulating evacuation and rescue operations from three different rocket landing sites. As part of the wide-scale exercise, hundreds of soldiers from the Home Front Command’s search and rescue Kedem Battalion simulated evacuation of casualties and removal of debris from several locations…

Minority elites and Israel's Jewish defamers

By KENNETH LEVIN, FRONTPAGEMAG— In a 1977 Supreme Court opinion, Thurgood Marshall, the court’s first African-American justice, observed, “Social scientists agree that members of minority groups frequently respond to discrimination and prejudice by attempting to disassociate themselves from the group, even to the point of adopting the majority’s negative attitudes towards the minority.” Marshall further…