Operation Protective Edge: Summary and notable incidents

BY JEWISH POLICY CENTER— Israel commenced Operation Protective Edge following the kidnapping of three Israeli teens and an increase in rocket fire from Gaza. Israel launched strikes against 1,576 targets destroying Hamas’s command and control centers, missile launchers, tunnels and other assets. Some 1081 rockets have been launched at Israel, with approximately 191 intercepted by…


Friendless in the Middle East

By JONATHAN SCHANZER, POLITICO— One week after the start of Israel’s “Operation Protective Edge,” also known as Hamas’ “10th of Ramadan War,” Washington is looking on helplessly. President Barack Obama offered to mediate a ceasefire last week, but the move fell on deaf ears—on both sides. Secretary of State John Kerry then made a surprise…


Not moderate, not radical: Just Islam

By VICTOR SHARPE— The irrevocable Islamic and Koranic injunction upon all Muslims is to wage relentless war against any non-Muslim nation state that exists within what Islam decrees as the Dar al-Islam (the House of Islam). Wherever the Muslim foot has trod triumphal in the name of Allah, that territory is considered eternally Islamic land.…


The Teenagers’ Revolt

By JONATHAN SCHANZER, FOREIGN POLICY— The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine dropped hundreds of incendiary leaflets on Shuafat Road on Friday, July 4, calling for renewed conflict with Israel. The hard-line Palestinian organization’s fliers were scattered amid the rocks, rubble, and spent tear-gas canisters from the clashes that have occurred daily with Israeli…


The bigotry of low expectations

By RON JAGER— The barbaric pre-mediated murder of 16 year old Mohammed Abu Khdeir shames the Jewish people everywhere and was immediately denounced by the full spectrum of Israel’s political and religious leadership, including Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu, President Peres and the Chief Rabbi’s. The people of Israel expressed remorse and genuine shame that those…


Radical Islam will not prevail against Israel

By EARL COX, JPOST— Not all ideologies are created equal. In the past few weeks, since the terrorist group, ISIS, (The jihadist terror group Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham) arose and initiated its murderous rampage across Iraq, the internet is furiously spewing out scene after scene, picture after picture, and headline after headline of…


Reasserting Israel’s deterrent posture

BY MICHAEL FREUND— The violence that has swept across Israel over the past week, ranging from rock-throwing to rioting to rockets, underscores the increasingly dangerous erosion that has taken place in the Jewish state’s deterrent posture. Simultaneously, Israel now finds itself under assault from both Hamas terrorists in Gaza and many of its own Arab…


One of six Jewish nationalists arrested confesses to revenge killing of Arab teen

By DANIEL EISENBUD, JPOST— Four days after the alleged revenge killing of Palestinian teen Muhammad Abu Khdeir convulsed the nation, one of the six unidentified Jewish extremists arrested early Sunday morning in the brutal murder confessed to the crime. According to numerous sources, the unidentified suspects made the confession during questioning by Shin Bet security…


Weekend riots raise concerns of renewed intifada

BY ISRAEL HAYOM— Officials in the Public Security Ministry may be avoiding the concept “third Intifada,” but it would appear as though this is the first time in many years that Israel has gotten this close to an all-out eruption among Arab citizens living inside the country’s pre-1967 borders. The disturbances in east Jerusalem spread…
