"Obama Most Radical US President ever" states prestigious Harvard Phd

Dr. Richard L. Rubinstein, Yale fellow, “Distinguished Professor of the Year”, and Harvard Phd, states that president Obama’s intention is to “correct the historical mistake of the creation of the state of Israel.” Dr. Rubenstein states that president Obama due to his family heritage is extremely pro Muslim – to the point of “wanting to…


Turkish delight–but not for the oppressed

by Victor Sharpe, Familysecuritymatters.org In 1974, a flotilla set sail from Turkey. No, it wasn’t destined for the Gaza coast carrying thugs and jihadists masquerading as human rights activists – as ill armed Israeli commandos discovered to their cost. No, this was a flotilla of naval ships sailing towards Cyprus as a fully-fledged invasion force,…


Weathering the coming storm

by Caroline Glick, Jerusalem Post Israel is endangered today as it has never been before. The Turkish-Hamas flotilla two weeks ago precipitated a number of dangerous developments. Rather than attend to all of them, Israel’s leadership is devoting itself almost exclusively to contending with the least dangerous among them while ignoring the emerging threats with…


Spanish Prime Minister: We Must Remember Israel is Free Nations Best Ally in Middle East

by José María Aznar, TimesPlus.co.uk Anger over Gaza is a distraction. We cannot forget that Israel is the West’s best ally in a turbulent region. For far too long now it has been unfashionable in Europe to speak up for Israel. In the wake of the recent incident on board a ship full of anti-Israeli…


Israel Allies Caucus speaks out

The Congressional Israel Allies Caucus held a press conference today to respond to calls for an international investigation of Israel and to hold Turkey accountable for their involvement in the flotilla incident.   Representing the caucus were co-chairmen, Congressmen Elliot Engel (D-NY) and Mike Pence (R-IN) who were also joined by Congressmen Ted Poe (R-TX), Minority…
