Israel faces a cynical world

By CAROLINE GLICK, JPOST— This week a German doctor in Bavaria filed a criminal complaint against Rabbi David Goldberg. Rabbi Goldberg’s “crime”? He performs ritual circumcisions on Jewish male infants in accordance with Jewish law. The doctor’s complaint came shortly after a ruling by a court in Cologne outlawing the practice of male circumcision. The…


The Cordesman Criteria: How to prevent war with Iran

By CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER, WASHINGTON POST  — Either Israel is engaged in the most elaborate ruse since the Trojan horse or it is on the cusp of a preemptive strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities. What’s alarming is not just Iran’s increasing store of enriched uranium or the growing sophistication of its rocketry. It’s also the increasingly…


Hezbollah threatens "tens of thousands" Israeli deaths

By ADAM CREDO, FREE BEACON— The leader of the terror group Hezbollah has vowed to unleash a barrage of missile attacks on Israel, potentially causing “tens of thousands of fatalities” in the Jewish state’s northern region, according to a recently translated interview. Hassan Nasrallah, the terror group’s longtime leader, briefly emerged from hiding late last…


Obama's World: Through a Glass Darkly

By VICTOR SHARPE, AMERICAN THINKER— For anyone who has eyes to see and ears to hear, and who is not terminally obtuse, the present incumbent of the Oval Office has deliberately helped engineer Islam’s latest and successful lust for world domination through sharia law and geopolitical contrivance. The Muslim cry of “first the Saturday people…


Abbas denies the Jewish connection to Jerusalem

By HERB KEINON, JPOST— Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas denied the Jewish connection to Jerusalem on Tuesday, the same day he spoke by phone with both Defense Minister Ehud Barak and Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s envoy Yitzhak Molcho. Abbas issued a statement Tuesday, marking the 43rd anniversary of an attempt by deranged Australian Christian Denis…


Israeli archaeologist digs into Nazi death camp

By  AP and ISRAEL HAYOM— When Israeli archaeologist Yoram Haimi decided to investigate his family’s unknown Holocaust history, he turned to the skill he knew best: He began to dig. After learning that two of his uncles were murdered in the infamous Sobibor death camp, he embarked on a landmark excavation project that is shining…
