Netanyahu’s statements and policies

By CAROLINE GLICK, JPOST— Although media commentators overlooked it, the Obama administration did it again. They blindsided Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on the eve of his trip to Washington. The last time it happened was in May 2011 when US President Barack Obama set out his policy toward Israel and the Palestinians as Netanyahu was…


Sharansky predicts further growth in Ukrainian aliya

By SAM SOKOL, JPOST— Jewish Agency Chairman Natan Sharansky forecasts a 400 percent increase in immigration from Ukraine for the coming year, citing worsening economic conditions and the ongoing civil war in the country’s east as contributing factors. Speaking with The Jerusalem Post by phone from Dnipropetrovsk on Sunday, Sharansky said despite the avowed intent…


Israel, you have true friends

By DAVID PARSONS– The International Christian Embassy Jerusalem, the largest Christian Zionist organization, will conduct its annual Sukkot conference in Jerusalem next week. Now, 34 years after it was founded, is the time to recount one of the architects who strengthened the relationships between the State of Israel and Christian Zionism — late Israeli prime…


DNA ties Ashkenazi Jews to group of just 330 people from Middle Ages

By KAREN KAPLAN, LA TIMES— All of the Ashkenazi Jews alive today can trace their roots to a group of about 330 people who lived 600 to 800 years ago. So says a new study in the journal Nature Communications. An international team of scientists sequenced the complete genomes of 128 healthy Ashkenazi Jews and…


Israel Hails Netanyahu’s Speech, But Was Anyone Else Listening?

By RYAN JONES, ISRAEL TODAY— Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech before the UN General Assembly on Monday was at the forefront of the news cycle in Israel on Tuesday. From the left to the right of the political spectrum, everyone agreed Israel’s leader is a gifted orator. But the question is, was anyone else listening?…


Some terrorists more equal than others

By JONATHAN TOBIN, COMMENTARY— Last week, when President Obama denounced ISIS during his speech to the General Assembly of the United Nations and called for a concerted effort by the international community to defeat the terrorist group, he received some well-deserved applause. But when Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu called for the same body to judge…


Why God won't allow Israel to perish

By Joseph Farah, Israelis are feeling uneasy these days as their leaders continue to negotiate away the land their sons and fathers and brothers fought so courageously to defend from enemies in four major wars and several minor ones. Jews around the world are wondering if their tiny state can possibly survive the onslaught…
