Reaction – A Strategic Danger to the State of Israel

By Yoav Sorek While the right is busy battling the temporary building freeze, it seems that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is using all his force to move towards a major strategic decision that is similar to Sharon’s disengagement. There are many signs pointing to this move: Attempts to add Kadima to the coalition, sharing secrets…


Israeli Initiative- Chapter 7: How Refugees are Treated Around the World

By Yoav Sorek In previous weeks, we presented the history of UNRWA and its failures as an organization meant to deal with the Palestinian refugee problem. Last week, we presented some information on UNHCR, the U.N. refugee agency, as a contrast to UNRWA and a possible partner for future refugee rehabilitation. The Israel Initiative proposes that…


Foreign Ministry: EU resolution ignores main obstacle to peace

by staff and AP, Jerusalem Post A resolution passed by European Union foreign ministers Tuesday to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of both Israel and a future Palestinian state “ignores the primary obstacle to achieving a resolution between Israel and the Palestinians,” according to a Foreign Ministry statement released after the vote. The statement said…
