The Engine Driving Global Terrorism

By Eli E. Hertz, Myths and Facts— Incitement is the new uncontrollable, affordable and elusive weapon of mass destruction. Its brand of terrorism constitutes a major strategic threat to the foundation of the free world. First Step Towards Eradicating Terrorism – Zero Tolerance for Incitement The Muslim-Arab world fans the flames of hatred and violence…


In 2,000 Year First, Christians Publicly Rally in Jerusalem in Support of Jewish Sovereignty Over Temple Mount

By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz, Breaking Israel News— A crucial war is being waged over the Temple Mount and standing on the front line, allied with Israel and the nation of Israel, is Cry For Zion, a movement of Christian Zionists from all over the world who recently united in support of Jewish sovereignty over the…


Christian Monastery Burned Down in Biblical City of Bethlehem

By: Raphael Poch, Breaking Israel News— In an anti-Christian incident which has largely gone unnoticed, the St. Charbel (Maar Charbel) Monastery in Bethlehem was attacked and burned down on September 26th. The monastery is located in the Wadi Maali neighborhood of the city where King David was born and is the reputed birthplace of Jesus.…


It’s not a “holy” story but rather a story full of holes.

By: Earl Cox, JPOST— Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’ speech to the United Nations was once again bombastic but not a block buster. Naturally his refrain to the song of Palestinian Blues played to the tune of the ongoing Palestinian-instigated conflict with Israel. The bluster from Abbas and his whining is nothing new and over the…


Despite Rising Violence, Christians Lead Global Prayer Initiative Near Temple Mount

By: Amanda Casanova, Christian Headlines— Hundreds gathered this week in the Christ Church in the Old City of Jerusalem to pray following attacks near the Temple Mount. Million of Christians around the world also prayed Sunday for the Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem. “We pray that as Christian brothers and sisters we…


Op-Ed: Israel’s Enemies sign the Death Sentence of the Last Christians

By: Giulio Meotti, Israel National News— The State of Israel and its citizens are fighting for their own right to life everywhere, in Jerusalem as in Judea and Samaria. Muslim terrorists are slaying Jews in their own cars, streets and houses. But the “free world” pays no attention to Jewish blood spilled with impunity. Another…


Arab Violence Intensifies as The Holidays End

By: Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz, Breaking Israel News— Israel is in the midst of a wave of violence, centered around the Temple Mount, spreading to the entire country. In a disturbing yet necessary measure, the police have restricted Jews and Arabs from entering the Old City of Jerusalem. The Palestinian Authority has called this a “policy…


Palestinian Stabbings Cause Jewish Blood to Flow in the Streets of Jerusalem

By: Unity Coalition for Israel— An upsurge of Palestinian terror attacks against Jews during Sukkot has killed 4 innocent Israelis and orphaned 14 children. As Jewish blood flows in the streets of Jerusalem, the Palestinians are celebrating, calling the terrorists “heroes.” A series of deadly Palestinian attacks shook Jerusalem, sparking protests, demonstrations and tension throughout…


IN PICTURES: Thousands flock to Western Wall for traditional priestly blessing

By: Jeremy Sharon, JPOST— The relaxed and convivial atmosphere of the Succot holiday was very much in evidence in the Old City of Jerusalem and the Western Wall on Wednesday morning, as some 50,000 people flocked to the Kotel for the biannual Priestly Blessing, recited there en masse during the intermediate days of Succot and…


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Address to the U.N.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I bring you greetings from Jerusalem. The city in which the Jewish People’s hopes and prayers for peace for all of humanity have echoed throughout the ages. Thirty-one years ago, as Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations, I stood at this podium for the first time. I spoke that day against a…


Jews ‘no longer feel safe’ in Europe and mass exodus increasing as a result of surge in anti-Semitic incidents

By: Leo Cendrowicz, Independent— The current influx of refugees into Europe could be mirrored by a mass exodus of Jews, faith leaders have warned as new figures revealed a rise in anti-Semitic incidents over the past year. European Jewish Congress President Dr Moshe Kantor told a conference in Brussels: “If hundreds of thousands of Jews leave…
