Auschwitz Album Revisited

Pat Mercer Hutchens, teacher and accomplished practicing artist, has completed a series of forty paintings to remember and honor those who perished in the Holocaust. All the paintings were motivated by the Auschwitz Album, the only surviving photographic evidence of Jews arriving and being “processed” at a Nazi death camp. Although the historical purpose of…


Liberal Myopia and the Reality of Islam

by Victor Sharpe Portland, Oregon, dodged the bullet last week when a Somali born American was arrested for planning to commit a horrendous atrocity during a Christmas tree lighting ceremony in Portland’s Pioneer Square. Thousands of people attending the ceremony would have been slaughtered and maimed if the FBI had not replaced the enormous quantity of…


Lies about Samaria

by Jamie Glazlov, interviewed  Michael Gottlieb, an oleh (immigrant) from the US who is a man on a mission. After moving from New York’s suburbia to Israel’s bucolic Samarian (Shomron) heartland region, he has joined the battle to save the Land of Israel in general and the Shomron in particular.  His weapon of choice:…


Chanukah 2010 Guide for the Perplexed

by Yoram Ettinger, “Second Thought: US-Israel Initiative” 1. George Washington first learned of Chanukkah while at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, 1778: “Perhaps we are not as lost as our enemies would have us believe. I rejoice in the Maccabees’ success, though it is long past…It pleases me to think that miracles still happen.” 2. “In God…


Israel greets WikiLeaks cables as vindication of its Iran policy

by Joshua Mitnick,  Wikileaks’ publication of US diplomatic cables could have sparked a fresh controversy between Israel and its most important ally after a year of strained relations. But instead, Wikileaks’ release of the documents on Sunday has proved to be something of a public relations coup for Israel: on-the-record confirmation that its Arab neighbors…


The Renaissance of the B'nai Anusim

by Michael Freund Earlier this year, a momentous event took place in the history of Iberian Jewry. For the first time since the Spanish Inquisition, a descendant of forcibly converted Jews returned to Spain to conduct outreach work among his fellow B’nai Anusim (Crypto-Jews). Rabbi Nissan Ben-Avraham, who grew up on the island of Palma…


Jew teaches Christians about Jesus

by Worldnetdaily A Jewish Hebrew scholar, a self-described “former Pharisee,” is providing Christians with some startling new revelations about their faith. Nehemia Gordon, a Semitic-language expert and one of the Dead Sea Scrolls translators, is currently in the United States, lecturing in churches and Christian Bible studies on the person he calls “the real Yeshua,”…
